U.S. General Aviation Gets TSA Liaison
Benet Wilson benet_wilson@aviationweek.com
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced yesterday it has named a liaison to work with the general aviation industry. The agency will also begin holding monthly teleconference calls specifically for the industry.
The relationship between TSA and GA has been rocky, due to unpopular initiatives including the Large Aircraft Security Proposal, the Operation Playbook spot check program for FBO operations at commercial airports and its security directive calling for badging and background checks for personnel with access to secure areas of commercial airports.
The liaison position, held by Juan Barnes, was created to "promote effective and responsive communications" between TSA and GA, according to a March 18 letter from TSA. TSA's General Aviation Division has also created a new email address to allow the industry to submit inquiries on agency programs, policies and Security Directives (SDs).
Inquiries will be sent to appropriate personnel, where it will be reviewed, with the goal of providing an answer within two business days, said the letter. The email address is TSAGeneralAviation@dhs.gov.
The first TSA teleconference is scheduled for March 25. The call allows TSA to provide information on new initiatives and for GA stakeholders to voice concerns and pose questions about policies and SDs. Participants are urged to submit questions three business days ahead so the agency can provide more complete answers during the call.
Those interested in participating in the first call should send an email to Barnes at juan.barnes@dhs.com, and access information will be forwarded.
Photo: Gulfstream