767 Cargo Conversion Potential
By Lee Ann Tegtmeier

After the passenger to freighter conversion market rebounds, AAR Corp. sees a potential of 200-400 Boeing 767-200 and -300 aircraft for its cargo systems. The majority of this demand should come from the larger -300 aircraft, which IAI's Bedek Aviation Group is converting to a freighter configuration with AAR cargo systems.
The companies worked together in 2002 to develop a system for Bedek's 767-200 program, with both companies holding the supplemental type certificate. The same will be true for the -300.
Vincent Misciangna, general manager of AAR Cargo Systems, said the installation should take about one day. The process should be nearly identical between the -200 and -300, he noted. The aircraft modification is the about same, too, because the -300 is basically a stretched version of the -200.
The -200 version holds 19 A1 pallets, and the -300 holds up to 24 A1 pallets. AAR wouldn't disclose the system prices.
Although the 767-300 eventually may prove to be more popular for passenger to freighter conversion, the -200 program continues: Cargo Aircraft Management announced May 4 its selection of AAR's cargo system for six 767-200s that IAI's Bedek Aviation Group is converting to freighter configuration. AAR plans to start delivering the cargo systems to Bedek this month.
Photo credit: AAR Corp.