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Project begun in 2006 now offers online consultation to the general public
São José dos Campos, August 22, 2009 – As part of the process of restoring its historical
memories during the year of its 40th anniversary, Embraer is launching the Embraer Historical
Center portal (www.EmbraerHistoricalCenter.com), in order to make the Company’s entire
historical collection available for electronic consultation.
Embraer’s Historical Center project was created in 2006 for the main purpose of restoring,
preserving, and telling the history of the Company and of the Brazilian and worldwide
aeronautics industry. In August 2007, the construction of two areas was concluded: one with
exhibits for customers, public officials and employees to visit; and another for treating,
managing and safeguarding the collection, both of which are located at the Company’s
headquarters, in São José dos Campos, Brazil. All of the historic content accumulated, since
then, is now available online, via the new portal, which can be consulted by enthusiasts,
aficionados, researchers, journalists, and the general public.
“A company that does not preserve its own history does not value its past,” said Pedro Ferraz,
Director of the Embraer Education and Research Institute. “Through a variety of initiatives,
such as launching the Embraer Historical Center portal and the restoration of older aircraft,
Embraer is making available to society the history of the Brazilian aeronautics industry and,
particularly, of the 40 years that have passed since the Company was founded.”
The exhibit area of the Embraer Historical
Center occupies around 3,200 square feet
(300 square meters) of hangar F-300, and has
over 800 items in its collection, including
videos, awards, and important documents, such
as the gavel used during the privatization
auction of Embraer, in December 1994. Part of
the material displayed was kindly offered by
employees, former employees, and family
members who consciously contributed to
preserving the Company’s memory.
Via the new portal, the public will be able to navigate through the history of Embraer,
remembering outstanding happenings, and even making a virtual visit to the Historical Center.