
Restructured NASA Advisory Council Meets to Formulate Agency Guidance

WASHINGTON -- The newly restructured NASA Advisory Council recently
concluded its second meeting, held Feb. 18-19, at NASA Headquarters
in Washington. This was the first council meeting including all of
the committee chairs and other appointed members, completing the
restructuring process NASA Administrator Charles Bolden began in fall

The council provides advice and recommendations to the NASA
administrator about agency programs, policies, plans, financial
controls and other matters related to the agency's responsibilities.

"I'm very excited about the council's new structure," said NASA
Advisory Council Chairman Kenneth M. Ford. "I have the greatest
confidence that the committees will provide the full council with the
best possible recommendations for Administrator Bolden's

The council and its nine committees meet on a quarterly basis
throughout the year in public and fact-finding sessions. The
committees are:

Aeronautics Committee: Marion Blakey, chair

Audit, Finance and Analysis Committee: Robert M. Hanisee, chair

Commercial Space Committee: Brett Alexander, chair

Education and Public Outreach Committee: Miles O'Brien, chair

Exploration Committee: Richard Kohrs, chair

Information Technology Infrastructure Committee: retired Air Force Lt.
Gen. Albert Edmonds, chair

Science Committee: Wesley T. Huntress, Jr., chair

Space Operations Committee: retired Air Force Col. Eileen M. Collins,

Technology and Innovation Committee: Esther Dyson, chair

Ex-Officio Members: Charles Kennel, chair, Space Studies Board,
National Academies, and Raymond Colladay, chair, Aeronautics and
Space Engineering Board, National Academies

To learn more about the NASA Advisory Council and its committees,


Source: NASA

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