Bombardier Releases Third Corporate Social Responsibility Report
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Today Bombardier Inc. released its third corporate social responsibility report entitled Deepening our Commitment. The report captures the company’s ongoing commitment to act responsibly as a public company, employer, neighbour and partner. The report stresses the importance of embedding sustainability not only in the company’s products, but also in our culture and mindset for the years to come.
“Our employees remain at the heart of our success. Nowhere is this more evident than in the sphere of corporate social responsibility. In the past year, we witnessed numerous instances where our employees brought their ingenuity to bear, zeroing in on solutions to sustainability challenges and setting the stage for greater prosperity,” said Pierre Beaudoin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc.
Building on last year’s structure, the report is organized into six sections, reflecting both stakeholder feedback and the areas where Bombardier has the greatest responsibilities: governance, employees, products, operations, suppliers and responsible citizenship.
To improve access and minimize its environmental footprint, Bombardier’s complete 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility Report is available exclusively online, on its new dedicated website:
Highlights include:
- Listing on the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Dow Jones Sustainability North America Indexes for the fourth consecutive year
- Embedding the UN Global Compact’s principles of social responsibility in Bombardier’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct
- Adopted the 3E approach to community involvement, which focuses on Environment, Education and Entrepreneurship
- Lowered CO2 emissions by 12.3% compared to fiscal 2009, the equivalent of removing 9,175 cars from the road every year
- Integrated our innovative energy-saving technologies EBI Drive 50 Driver Assistance System and ThermoEfficient Climatization System to our ZEFIRO Very High Speed (VHS) train to deliver the lowest energy consumption per seat of any VHS train
- Continued development of the environmentally focused CSeries aircraft program, which will contribute to the commercial aviation industry’s commitment to achieve carbon-neutral growth by 2020 by significantly reducing CO2 emissions
- Reforested 191 hectares in Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
- Obtained the commitment of 200 Aerospace suppliers and 406 Transportation master vendors to respect our Supplier Code of Conduct or adhere to equivalent codes of conduct
- Ranked among the Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada in 2010 and #1 in the Environment category according to Corporate Knights