NASA Administrator Bolden Statement On The Webb Telescope
"I appreciate the work done by the James Webb Space Telescope's (JWST) Independent Comprehensive Review Panel (ICRP), and want to thank Sen. Barbara Mikulski for initiating this review. The ICRP report makes clear that, while JWST technical performance has been consistent with the project plan, the cost performance and coordination have been lacking, and I agree with these findings.
"No one is more concerned about the situation we find ourselves in
than I am, and that is why I am reorganizing the JWST Project at
Headquarters and the Goddard Space Flight Center, and assigning a new
senior manager at Headquarters to lead this important effort. The new
JWST program director will have a staff of technical and cost
personnel provided by the Science Mission Directorate and report to
the NASA associate administrator. This will ensure more direct
reporting to me and increase the project's visibility within the
agency's management structure. Additionally, the Goddard Space Flight
Center's project office has been reorganized to report directly to
the center director. That office is undergoing personnel changes to
specifically address the issues identified in the report.
"I am encouraged the ICRP verified our assessment that JWST is
technically sound, and that the project continues to make progress
and meet its milestones. However, I am disappointed we have not
maintained the level of cost control we strive to achieve --
something the American taxpayer deserves in all of our projects.
"NASA is committed to finding a sustainable path forward for the
program based on realistic cost and schedule assessments. I would
like to express my appreciation to the ICRP's chair, John Casani, and
the rest of the team for producing an objective, unbiased and
comprehensive assessment."
The panel's report is available online at:
Source: NASA