NASA Financials Get Clean Bill Of Health
"I am pleased to receive this qualified audit opinion that reflects the fact NASA is fairly stating our financial position to our stakeholders," NASA Chief Financial Officer Elizabeth Robinson said.
"We are working hard to provide useful, accurate information about
our financial results, and this audit opinion is an important
achievement in that effort."
It marked the first time since the 2002 fiscal year that independent
auditors issued a qualified opinion, with no material weaknesses,
rather than a disclaimer of opinion on NASA's financial statements.
The agency's independent auditors also reported that, in their
opinion, NASA's fiscal 2010 financial statements fairly represent the
financial position of the agency as of Sept. 30, 2010, and its
budgetary resources for the year that ended. This significant
achievement is clear evidence of NASA's progress in financial
management during the past decade.
As a result of successful efforts to fully integrate the financial
accounting system, the auditors concluded for the first time since
the 2000 fiscal year that NASA is now substantially compliant with
federal financial management systems requirements of the Federal
Financial Management Improvement Act.
Source: NASA