NASA Awards New Marshall Logistics Support Services Contract

Englewood, Colo., a contract to provide logistics support services at
the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.
The firm-fixed price contract begins Feb. 1, 2012, with an eight-month
base period, followed by four one-year options, and one four-month
option that may be exercised at NASA's discretion.
The performance period, including all options, has a total mission services contract
value of $34 million with a maximum potential indefinite
delivery/indefinite quantity value of $50 million.
Under the contract, CH2M Hill will be responsible for providing mail;
shipping and receiving; equipment maintenance and repair; flight
hardware; move, transportation and motor pool; disposal; warehousing
and equipment management services. The contract also allows
procurement of additional response to specific tasks within the
performance work statement under an indefinite delivery/indefinite
quantity schedule.
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