DC3 Open House Media Day (April 26, 2012) - Please join us for the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Open House May 11 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Hangar 600. Media are welcome as early as 2 p.m. Scientists and researchers from all over the world, including the National Center for Atmospheric Research and NASA will base at the Salina Municipal Airport to investigate the impact of large, convective clouds on upper tropospheric composition and chemical make-up. On display will be the top two research aircraft in the world, NCAR's Gulfstream V and NASA's DC-8. Please RSVP to Melissa at melissam@salair.org or 785.827.3914 . 
 The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field campaign is investigating the impact of large-scale thunderstorm on upper tropospheric composition and chemistry. TheDC3 field campaign will make use of extensively instrumented aircraft platforms and ground-based observations.
Salina, Kansas will serve as the base location for the three research aircraft and the project operations center at the Salina Airport, while a network of ground-based radar, lightning antenna stations and instrumentation in Colorado, Oklahoma and Alabama will be used to support DC3 during the project from 15 May - 30 June 2012. DC3 is motivated by determining the role of thunderstorms on the concentration of ozone in the upper troposphere. |

The Salina Airport Authority is a body corporate and politic. The Authority was created by the City of Salina in April 1965 pursuant to the authority granted by the City by the surplus property and public airport authority act of the State of Kansas. The Authority is managed and controlled by a five-member Board of Directors appointed by the Salina City Commission. The Salina Airport Authority is home to the Salina Municipal Airport, the Salina Aviation Service Center and the Salina Airport Industrial Center. The board of directors and staff are proactive in providing the citizens ofSalina, Saline County and North Central Kansas with a center that support business and industry, which, in turn, provides jobs and payroll that benefit the region. The Salina Municipal Airport is the only commercial service airport serving Salina/Saline County and the 22-county area, which comprises North Central Kansas. The airport also services the corporate, business, private aviation and flight training needs of industry, business and individuals in the area. |
| Salina Airport Authority Executive Director |
Salina Airport Authority Manager of Public Affairs & Communications Melissa L. McCoy e-mail: |
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