
Boeing CEO Jim McNerney Statement on US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement

CHICAGO, April 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) yesterday issued the following statement from Boeing Chairman, President and CEO Jim McNerney:

"We applaud the agreement between the United States and Colombia to move forward with the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) text negotiated between the two countries. It demonstrates a strong commitment to reengage our international trade agenda at a critical time for our economy. We urge the Administration and the Congress to work together for the rapid passage of this agreement, and those pending for South Korea and Panama.

These agreements will benefit America's workers, companies, and communities, because they eliminate numerous impediments to the sale of U.S. goods and services in key markets and put us on a level playing field with competitors who already have such agreements in place. FTAs like these will spur job-creating growth in U.S. exports at a time when the U.S. economy is still on the road to full economic recovery and will signal continuing leadership by the U.S. in developing a global free trading system."

Source: Boeing

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